- Focus on what you can control.
- You control how you respond to things.
- Ask yourself, “Is this essential?”
- Meditate on your mortality every day.
- Value time more than money/possessions.
- You are the product of your habits.
- Don’t have an opinion on everything.
- Own the morning.
- Put yourself up for review.
- Don’t suffer imagined troubles.
- Look for the good in people.
- Never be overheard complaining.
- Two ears, one mouth…for a reason (Zeno).
- There is always something you can do.
- Don’t compare yourself to others.
- Live as if you’ve died and come back (every minute is bonus time).
- Give up on the idea of revenge.
- Strict with yourself, tolerant with others.
- Focus on process, not outcomes.
- Learn something from everyone.
- Put every impression to the test.
- Define what success means to you.
- Amor fati. (Amor fati is a Latin phrase that may be translated as “love of fate” or “love of one’s fate”.)
- Seek out challenges.
- Don’t follow the mob.
- Grab the “smooth handle.”
- Every person is an opportunity for kindness (Seneca).
- Say no (a lot).
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
- Treat success and failure the same.
- Do the more difficult thing.
- Don’t judge other people.
- Study the lives of the greats.
- Forgive, forgive, forgive.
- Make a little progress each day.
- Don’t make your problems worse by bemoaning them.
- Premeditatio malorum. (a Stoic exercise of imagining things that could go wrong or be taken away from us.)
- Look for the poetry in ordinary things.
- Sympatheia. (sympathy, affinity of parts to the organic whole, mutual interdependence.)
- Always choose “Alive Time.”
- Stop waiting to demand the best for yourself.
- To improve, be OK to be thought foolish.
- Fate behaves as she pleases.
- Possessions are yours only in trust.
- You become what you give your attention to.
- Courage. Temperance. Justice. Wisdom.
- The obstacle is the way.
- Ego is the enemy.
- Stillness is the key.
- Journal
Daily Stoic